Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does insurance cover my procedure?
Our administrative team will check your available insurance coverage prior to your first visit. We are able to determine an approximate coverage on your dental insurance based on percentage and remaining balance. This information will be provided to you in writing on your first visit. The estimate applies only for your dental insurance. Medical insurance does not divulge coverage and we are unable to determine how much of the procedure is covered. The estimate is not a guarantee. Sometimes insurance companies cover less than the estimate, in which case the balance would be the patient’s responsibility.
Can the surgery be completed on my first visit?
In most instances, your first visit is for a consultation only. However, if you do not wish to be asleep for the surgery and are comfortable with novocaine only for the procedure, we will attempt to accommodate your request as much as our schedule will allow. However, if there is a medical condition that might require clearance or premedication, we might need to set up a second appointment for the surgery. If you have a strong preference for completing your procedure on the first visit, please let us know prior to the visit, so we may allot additional time in our schedule. Except for the most extreme circumstances, we generally do not condone surgery under general anesthesia on the first visit. There are certain precautions that need to be taken to maximize the safety of the anesthesia.
Will I need additional x-rays?
If your dentist has given you x-rays, please bring it with you to your first appointment along with the referral slip. In many circumstances, we will take our own digital panoramic x-ray to obtain a comprehensive view of the entire upper and lower jaws for diagnostic purposes. If the x-ray that was provided is of sufficient quality, there will be no fee assessed for our x-ray. Additionally, since it is a digital x-ray, the amount of radiation exposure is a fraction of the regular dose.
Can I be asleep for my surgery?
Yes, as long as there are no coexisting medical conditions that would make it unsafe. If you have significant dental anxiety, being asleep for the surgery will make the procedure much more tolerable and pleasant. For your safety, we generally do not provide the general anesthesia on the first visit. On extenuating circumstances, such as a limited schedule or if you are traveling a long distance, we can accommodate a same day procedure. However, this will require a lot of preparation and planning prior to the visit, so your patience is appreciated.
Can I make payments?
We have multiple patient financing programs that provide up to 12 month interest free loans that can be used for your procedure. We also accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards.
Can I get coverage through my medical insurance?
Most medical insurances do not cover dental services, such as extractions. Certain procedures, such as biopsies, bone/soft tissue grafting and dental implants that are occasionally covered by your medical insurance. Our administrative team has extensive experience in dealing with the various insurance companies in our region and have a good baseline knowledge of their tendencies. We will submit a preapproval, at your request, for procedures that may be covered under your medical policy, but there is no guarantee for coverage. Medical insurance companies generally do not provide a fee schedule for the degree of coverage. Therefore, we will not know how much is covered until after the procedure has been completed and submitted to your medical insurance.
If I have been seen in the office before, will I need another consultation exam?
If you were seen within the past year, you likely will not need another consultation visit. However, for extensive, complicated cases or if your medical history has changed significantly, we will need to see you prior to the surgery to further evaluate these changes.
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